Author: Dr. Mohsen Saeed Ozaibi

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Mohsen Saeed Al Ozaibi, BDS, MBA. A Dentist at Bani Yas Medical Clinic and at Emirates Jordanind Medical Center, Founder of Graduated in 2009 with a Bachelor's Degree in Dental Science from Misr International University and a Master's degree in Business and Administration from the University of the People. A veteran in digital dental content publishing and marketing.

In this Article, we will describe and state a differential diagnosis for the most common Periapical radiolucent lesions that means that it is located in the periapical area and appears radiolucent. When we say non-pulpal origins it means the tooth is vital (most cases) and the teeth are mostly not effected (unless its periodontitis or malignant tumor) but the source of the lesion isn’t due to the pulp. Case Questions  Here are some Case questions :D… try to express the differential diagnosis (at least 3). A RL Periapical cyst found in the mid line of the anterior part of the maxilla…

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A simple Presentation Created by me in 2008, titled Intraoral Examination. its light heart-ed and fun to watch… It contains some images of the most common lesions you might face during oral examination.

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Case: DT06 A Patient came to for Root Canal treatment, 2nd lower premolar to be precise. So logically the anatomy of the lower 2nd premolar is as following: [quote align=”center” color=”#999999″] Investigators reported that only 12% of mandibular second molars studied had a second or third canal. Vertucci also showed that the second premolar had one canal at the apex in 97.5% and two canals at the apex in only 2.5% of the teeth studied.[/quote] Source: The Root Canal Anatomy Project!  Diagnosis Preoperative radio-graph of the mandibular 2nd Premolar with two roots, mesial and distal Treatment Plan When I used my…

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Case DT04 In this case a Female Patient, 36 years old came to my clinic because she wanted to change her smile, she wasn’t satisfied with her smile and her attitude in life wasn’t perfect. But in the end both of us were surprised!! Hoping that a new smile will improve her life sytle, she request that I do what ever I can to get her a perfect smile. First of all what I did was take some diagnosis images. Visual Diagnosis Logically, anyone will automatically consider composite filling (yes the maxillary anterior teeth) so the first step I did,…

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A female Egyptian Patient, 22 years old, came with a simple case of a missing two lower central and lower right lateral. the Simplest treatment was to do a single 2 unit bridge (all Ceramic, because the space is too small for three teeth we used a two unit design), the problem the preparation would eventually lead to exposure of the pulp, thus we needed a conservative treatment. Implants would be best, yet the patient was in a hurry because of her wedding was in 2 weeks. So we settled with A Ceramic fused to metal Adhesive bridge. So this was…

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In this Article, We will start with a basic Comparison between common types of  Oral Ulcers. The comparison will be  in the Etiology  , on the preceding lesion before the ulcers occurs and Recurrence. But first, we must understand what is an Ulcer. Definitions Ulcers: Is the complete loss of epithelium. Always Heals with a scar Erosion: is a superficial damage leading to partial loss of epithelium. No Scar Formation In The Comparison and previous image, the difference between an ulcer and erosion is quite easy to understand. Comparison By Etiology Etiology Examples Physical or Chemical  Acid Burn,…

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